FAQ Uploading and adjusting releases

2.3 What is a Waterfall Release and how do I upload it?

A waterfall release is a strategy in which you gradually release singles, adding previously released tracks to each new release. This generates more attention for your already released songs and can lead to more streams. For example, you might release three singles before releasing an album, adding the previously released tracks to each new release.

To capture a waterfall release, follow these steps:

1. In the tracklist, add the new single as the first track.

2. Add the previously released singles to the tracklist. A waterfall release can also consist of four, five, or more songs. For example, you could gradually release an EP by adding one more song each time.

3. Ensure that the metadata matches 1:1 with the previously released tracks. This means that the song title, artists, features, composers, lyricists, ISRC, and audio file must be identical.
